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Expert Leaderboards - Last 60 Days

showing all experts    PRO = professional        lpc = low pick count (30)       * = currently inactive       prb = probationary period
Expert ROI Profit Wins Losses Push Pct Risk
PRO 14.8 $11,958 136 96 3 57.9 $80,862
11.2 $14,288 164 115 4 58.0 $127,548
11.0 $9,050 58 37 3 59.2 $81,979
PRO 8.9 $34,684 204 146 11 56.5 $390,312
7.6 $15,630 104 81 2 55.6 $204,620
3.6 $8,209 143 123 4 53.0 $225,982
PRO 2.4 $1,550 31 27 3 50.8 $63,670
-1.1 ($992) 91 86 10 48.7 $87,854
-1.6 ($1,114) 40 38 1 50.6 $71,321
-2.3 ($2,190) 44 43 3 48.9 $95,730
-2.4 ($1,105) 61 56 4 50.4 $45,580
-4.7 ($16,280) 152 148 14 48.4 $346,910
-4.9 ($2,849) 64 54 1 53.8 $57,919
-5.5 ($41,210) 304 294 9 50.1 $743,950
-6.0 ($9,130) 68 70 7 46.9 $152,500
-6.4 ($6,760) 47 49 1 48.5 $106,110
-6.4 ($8,792) 102 97 4 50.2 $137,032
-7.2 ($10,214) 101 115 6 45.5 $142,773
-7.3 ($15,780) 94 104 3 46.8 $216,950
-7.9 ($32,780) 178 200 10 45.9 $414,260
-8.0 ($20,820) 105 104 4 49.3 $259,240
PRO -9.9 ($8,032) 48 54 1 46.6 $80,736
-11.0 ($31,030) 117 134 4 45.9 $281,650
-11.5 ($13,040) 47 56 4 43.9 $113,370
-11.7 ($7,610) 27 31 0 46.6 $64,810
-16.2 ($10,249) 50 57 3 45.5 $63,305
PRO -18.2 ($7,221) 49 64 2 42.6 $39,661
-20.5 ($27,700) 51 71 1 41.5 $135,090
-25.5 ($12,346) 44 56 1 43.6 $48,348
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