SportsWatchMonitor, A Professional Sports Monitoring Service

Expert Leaderboards - Last 60 Days

showing all experts    PRO = professional        lpc = low pick count (30)       * = currently inactive       prb = probationary period
Expert ROI Profit Wins Losses Push Pct Risk
12.3 $7,613 80 59 2 56.7 $61,765
PRO 11.5 $23,538 272 184 5 59.0 $205,572
8.6 $23,590 141 108 7 55.1 $272,730
7.9 $6,697 92 71 3 55.4 $84,773
PRO 6.9 $1,565 37 28 1 56.1 $22,630
3.3 $19,010 282 237 12 53.1 $576,670
PRO 2.5 $1,030 20 17 0 54.1 $41,090
1.1 $2,098 122 110 2 52.1 $192,759
-0.3 ($320) 56 53 0 51.4 $119,340
-1.3 ($1,214) 54 47 0 53.5 $93,451
PRO -2.0 ($1,824) 49 47 2 50.0 $89,216
-3.7 ($26,540) 305 333 14 46.8 $717,310
-3.8 ($5,450) 66 65 2 49.6 $144,380
-4.1 ($28,850) 297 279 9 50.8 $702,310
-5.1 ($5,364) 117 118 4 49.0 $105,224
-5.8 ($5,924) 109 108 2 49.8 $102,522
-6.4 ($29,030) 202 209 11 47.9 $456,950
-7.5 ($37,640) 216 221 5 48.9 $500,640
-7.9 ($5,757) 39 42 3 46.4 $73,111
-8.1 ($14,247) 118 130 4 46.8 $175,994
PRO -8.8 ($26,390) 129 140 3 47.4 $300,920
-9.6 ($33,270) 149 166 9 46.0 $346,790
-10.4 ($20,378) 126 165 2 43.0 $195,133
-13.3 ($46,680) 145 174 5 44.8 $352,020
-21.4 ($16,000) 28 40 0 41.2 $74,700
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