SportsWatchMonitor, A Professional Sports Monitoring Service

Expert Leaderboards - Last 60 Days

showing all experts    PRO = professional        lpc = low pick count (30)       * = currently inactive       prb = probationary period
Expert ROI Profit Wins Losses Push Pct Risk
16.7 $14,457 62 36 1 62.6 $86,364
PRO 11.5 $18,578 222 161 4 57.4 $161,302
PRO 3.3 $2,560 38 32 3 52.1 $77,260
2.5 $3,652 172 147 1 53.8 $144,340
2.4 $11,210 221 188 11 52.6 $458,290
1.6 $3,940 117 103 5 52.0 $242,770
0.5 $470 45 41 1 51.7 $94,560
PRO 0.3 $1,250 179 159 8 51.7 $375,960
-1.3 ($1,167) 96 94 6 49.0 $87,073
-1.5 ($1,295) 101 101 4 49.0 $88,920
-1.8 ($3,981) 137 130 3 50.7 $223,004
-2.0 ($3,690) 127 143 7 45.8 $181,195
-3.8 ($23,350) 260 251 6 50.3 $613,250
-3.9 ($12,710) 144 135 3 51.1 $324,820
PRO -5.2 ($4,439) 50 52 2 48.1 $85,862
-6.6 ($10,405) 114 114 5 48.9 $157,552
-7.8 ($13,380) 75 80 6 46.6 $171,220
-7.9 ($9,450) 52 56 2 47.3 $119,560
-9.0 ($5,594) 56 57 4 47.9 $62,496
-9.0 ($58,370) 270 298 11 46.6 $649,420
-9.4 ($6,322) 35 40 2 45.5 $67,491
-10.3 ($11,380) 47 53 2 46.1 $110,670
-10.6 ($48,410) 191 216 7 46.1 $455,440
-14.0 ($35,410) 103 125 3 44.6 $252,150
-15.7 ($37,660) 96 122 4 43.2 $239,960
PRO -18.4 ($6,226) 41 55 2 41.8 $33,800
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