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Expert Leaderboards - Last 90 Days

showing all experts    PRO = professional        lpc = low pick count (45)       * = currently inactive       prb = probationary period
Expert ROI Profit Wins Losses Push Pct Risk
PRO 19.0 $12,420 37 22 3 59.7 $65,390
PRO 12.3 $33,226 370 255 7 58.5 $270,996
6.2 $25,080 203 163 8 54.3 $402,120
4.4 $5,536 140 116 7 53.2 $125,362
3.7 $3,392 104 86 4 53.6 $92,614
1.6 $12,820 382 332 20 52.0 $795,350
0.4 $545 81 68 0 54.4 $135,423
0.3 $544 209 188 4 52.1 $178,404
-0.2 ($566) 189 175 4 51.4 $302,588
-1.0 ($1,860) 85 81 1 50.9 $182,080
PRO -2.7 ($13,310) 228 217 7 50.4 $496,260
PRO -2.7 ($3,403) 70 70 2 49.3 $124,226
-3.9 ($7,990) 93 92 3 49.5 $203,960
-4.4 ($45,200) 430 411 11 50.5 $1,018,350
-4.8 ($13,999) 198 233 7 45.2 $290,278
-6.6 ($72,770) 456 514 20 46.1 $1,097,070
-7.0 ($9,976) 149 158 5 47.8 $141,543
-7.2 ($48,680) 295 311 14 47.6 $673,050
-7.3 ($47,630) 283 288 5 49.1 $656,900
-7.5 ($18,894) 176 185 6 48.0 $252,601
-10.3 ($47,400) 196 221 11 45.8 $459,890
PRO -10.8 ($4,253) 53 59 2 46.5 $39,354
-12.3 ($54,860) 185 218 6 45.2 $444,830
-15.5 ($15,903) 50 64 4 42.4 $102,580
-18.3 ($22,140) 47 63 2 42.0 $120,800
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